As an Acne specialist, Valerie understands that no matter your age, acne can be emotionally and physically painful. Although acne is considered an incurable disease of the skin, it can be managed and kept under reasonable control with the right treatments and products.
To effectively treat acne, we address several things - skin care, life style, diet, habits, and more. Our approach to acne is a customized routine, paired with office treatments on a regular schedule. We have an over 95% success rate, and much of that success is dependent on you, the client. Being consistent and compliant will greatly increase your ability to get clear skin.
Treating acne is a process; this isn't magic and there are no shortcuts. Average time to clear your skin is 4-5 months, based on bi-monthly office sessions and a system of skin care used at home twice daily.
We like you to know what to expect right up front, in order for you to make an informed decision about proceeding with our Acne Resolution Program. Everybody is different and some people clear more quickly than others. This is dictated by many factors such as genetics, the type of acne you have, your lifestyle, etc...
To effectively treat acne, we address several things - skin care, life style, diet, habits, and more. Our approach to acne is a customized routine, paired with office treatments on a regular schedule. We have an over 95% success rate, and much of that success is dependent on you, the client. Being consistent and compliant will greatly increase your ability to get clear skin.
Treating acne is a process; this isn't magic and there are no shortcuts. Average time to clear your skin is 4-5 months, based on bi-monthly office sessions and a system of skin care used at home twice daily.
We like you to know what to expect right up front, in order for you to make an informed decision about proceeding with our Acne Resolution Program. Everybody is different and some people clear more quickly than others. This is dictated by many factors such as genetics, the type of acne you have, your lifestyle, etc...
It's important that as a client, you know what to expect. Not only does clearing acne involve office appointments and a home care regimen, but also changes to diet and lifestyle are often necessary as acne can be triggered by many external factors as well. If you are not willing to make these changes as recommended, you cannot expect to get clear skin. It's all up to you! There is no magic; clearing acne takes work and commitment. If you are not willing to come to appointments, make changes in diet and lifestyle, and invest in the recommended home care, we cannot take you as client. Clearing acne is a partnership with you!
This is a program, not a one visit cure. Expect a minimum of 6 office visits (in 3-4 week intervals) and an investment in a mandatory custom home care routine. Your first visit is $130, and subsequent appointments are $98. Clearing acne requires more than a 3-step system; if those worked, you wouldn't have acne! You will need to refill your products at varying rates, as you use them up. The cost to get started with the home care is approximately $198-$230. Once clear, most clients go on a maintenance regimen, continuing usage of the home care products to insure their skin stays beautiful.
Appointments for Acne Treatments are only for those who are in the program already and/or have completed the initial first-time client consultation. For other facial treatments, please go to the Skin Treatments page.
To see more pictures of the results Val has gotten for her clients, visit our Before & Afters page.
This is a program, not a one visit cure. Expect a minimum of 6 office visits (in 3-4 week intervals) and an investment in a mandatory custom home care routine. Your first visit is $130, and subsequent appointments are $98. Clearing acne requires more than a 3-step system; if those worked, you wouldn't have acne! You will need to refill your products at varying rates, as you use them up. The cost to get started with the home care is approximately $198-$230. Once clear, most clients go on a maintenance regimen, continuing usage of the home care products to insure their skin stays beautiful.
Appointments for Acne Treatments are only for those who are in the program already and/or have completed the initial first-time client consultation. For other facial treatments, please go to the Skin Treatments page.
To see more pictures of the results Val has gotten for her clients, visit our Before & Afters page.
142 Main Street, Suite 420, Nashua NH 03060 |